Suitable maternity hiking pants keep pregnant women on the trail.

Maternity Hiking Pants: What to Wear on the Trail

We know outdoor recreation is a great way to stay physically and mentally healthy. And that includes throughout pregnancy. But how do we stay on the trail while growing a bundle of joy?

The answer: great maternity hiking gear.

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What to Look for in Maternity Hiking Pants

I’m an avid hiker, and pregnancy wasn’t going to change that. These are my main considerations while looking for what to wear on the trail:

Over-the-Belly Support

Belly support is essential during pregnancy, so look for over-the-belly maternity shorts and pants. This becomes even more important if adding a belly band to your hiking excursion.

Over-the-belly support is a must for maternity hiking shorts
The more support for your growing belly, the better


Pregnancy aches and pains can be uncomfortable enough. You don’t need to be wearing uncomfortable clothes, too. Comfort is one of my main considerations while shopping for maternity hiking pants.

Comfort considerations include type of material, flex and stretch, breathability, and size.


Even though you’re only wearing these pants for 9 months, you should trust that you’re getting a good bang for your buck. The maternity hiking pants should hold up on all your adventures.

And if you decide on more than one baby, you’ll want your pants to hold up for multiple pregnancies.


It’s an added bonus, if you can wear your maternity hiking pants for other outdoor recreation like biking or running.


Who doesn’t love a good packet? Better yet, look for maternity hiking pants with zip pockets to keep your phone and keys extra secure on the trail.

Seasonal Considerations

In the summer, I don’t want a heavy-duty pant that is going to make my already sweaty pregnant body even hotter. And in cool months, I want to be kept comfortable. Always consider the weather when choosing your maternity hiking clothes.

Maternity Hiking Pants: Your Options

Truth be told, I haven’t found the perfect pair of maternity hiking pants. Apparently, clothing companies aren’t keen on making high-quality, waterproof maternity pants.

The good news is, there are several great options. Here are a few of my favorites:

Over-the-Belly Shorts

I love hiking in over-the-belly shorts. Unless you are trudging through tall brush, in an area dense with bugs, or in freezing temperatures, over-the-belly shorts are the way to go.

These have a 4.6-star rating with almost 6,000 reviews. There are six colors to choose from. They come in two different lengths (5-inch or 8-inch). And start at just $23.

👉🏼 See available colors and sizes by clicking here.

My personal review is easily 5-stars. They hit all the major considerations:

  • Over-the-belly support ✔️
  • Ridiculously comfy ✔️
  • Lasted through two pregnancies ✔️
  • I wore them casually all spring and summer ✔️
  • Pockets ✔️
  • Kept me cool ✔️
Maternity hiking shorts are my favorite option for on-the-go mamas
These maternity hiking shorts were great on a third-trimester overnight backpacking trip

Lightweight Joggers

These over-the-bump joggers come equipped with zip pockets, moisture-wicking, quick-dry fabric, tapered cuffs, and an adjustable elastic band on the waist to grow with your belly.

They are touted as comfortable, stretchy, and cool. And come in black, grey, and green. They go for a mere $28, and are definitely a great option for various terrains.

Lightweight joggers are a great option for maternity hiking pants.

Workout Leggings

Leggings are a controversial hiking pant, but in cooler weather, leggings are my go-to.

I’ve hiked mountains in the Swiss Alps in these leggings. And unless you are in rainy, wet weather, maternity leggings are are great option for hiking.

I like these maternity leggings because they come in various colors including black, grey, navy, sky blue, brown, and green. The sell ankle capri or full-length styles. And start at only $24.

Leggings keep your warm during your pregnant hikes
Carrying my toddler while 6 months pregnant on our North Shore hike

Athletic Skort

I’m not usually one to wear a skort on the trail, but this is a great option for summer hikes and other leisure recreation.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t available while I was pregnant. But based on the 4.4-star rating on Amazon, I feel confident in suggesting it. One 5-star reviewer claims, “It’s perfect – exactly what I had hoped.”

This maternity tennis skirt has a wide elastic band for belly support, moisture-wicking properties, and 3 pockets including one on each side (on the shorts) and a zip pocket on the back. It’s incredibly versatile and costs $31.

Most people say it fits as expected. But if you’re in between sizes, get the bigger size.

Maternity skorts are a versitile hiking pant option
Skorts are a great option for outdoor summer activities

Related reading: Self-Care During Pregnancy: 13 Easy & Inexpensive Ideas

What to Pair with Maternity Hiking Pants

There are some things that will make your excursions even more enjoyable. So here is what I pair with my maternity hiking shorts and pants:

Belly Band

While some maternity hiking pants have some belly control, I almost always wear a belly band on the trail.

According to medical experts, belly bands decrease pain, offer gentle compression, help posture, and provide support. Essentially, they’re a godsend for active mamas.

I used this belly band through both of my pregnancies, and highly recommend it. It was discrete, comfortable, and I could easily adjust it as my belly grew. It comes in various colors and goes for $33.

Add a belly band to your maternity hiking pants for extra support

Compression Socks

While not necessarily stylish, compression socks are a must have for hiking while pregnant.

Our pregnant bodies produce 50% more body fluid than non-pregnant bodies, making us very susceptible to swelling. Compression socks reduce the risk of swelling, help circulation, and prevent dreaded varicose veins.

This is a 3-pack and comes in a bunch of different colors. Three pairs of compression socks for only $14 is a steal.

Compression socks fir perfectly with your maternity hiking shorts or pants

The Wrap Up: Maternity Hiking Pants

Your hiking adventures shouldn’t stop now that you have a baby in your belly. As long as you have the right gear, you can enjoy your hikes as much as ever.

Consider the weather, storage, durability, and your comfort when buying maternity hiking shorts and pants. Happy trails, mama!

Read next: Newborn Winter Clothes: Everything You Need to Keep Baby Warm